
About the Scholarship Program

The Tower Family Foundation has a limited number of private merit-based undergraduate degree scholarships to offer to NATE Member Companies’ employees and their dependents. The review and evaluation of all scholarship applications will be based on specific requirements related to academic achievement, future promise based on the degree program, and the responses to the written essays. Additionally, scholarships are available to a severely injured or permanently disabled tower worker or a legal dependent of a permanently disabled or deceased tower worker. 

Scholarship Guidelines

Tower Family Foundation Scholarships will be awarded in the early summer timeframe for the student’s upcoming academic year and shall be made payable to the educational institution on behalf of the student. If the applicant applies and is awarded a scholarship for the Fall semester, the scholarship award will be for the full academic year.

The scholarship award is intended to supplement any financial aid package received by the applicant and can be used for tuition/fees and other expenses charged by the institution, such as books, laboratory fees, and supplies.

Scholarship Value

Tower Family Foundation Scholarships are valued at up to $5,000.00 per year for full-time students (carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours) and up to $2,500.00 per year for part-time students (carrying a minimum of 6 semester hours).

A scholarship recipient may apply for an additional scholarship for the next academic year provided a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 is maintained and for merit-based applicants, a verification letter of continued employee or dependent relationship to a NATE Member Company in good standing is provided. Scholarships are renewable annually (for up to four years for full-time students and six years for part-time students).

Merit Based Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must provide evidence of a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 for each scholarship award.
  • Applicant must be an employee or legal dependent of an employee of a current NATE Member Company in good standing.
  • Applicant must be a high school graduate with acceptance to a regionally accredited post-secondary educational institution. 
  • Enrolled as either a full-time or part-time student.

Accident or Death Based Applicant Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a severely injured or permanently disabled tower worker, (or) a legal dependent of a permanently disabled or deceased tower industry worker. 
  • Applicant must provide evidence of a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 for each scholarship award. 
  • Applicant must be a high school graduate with acceptance to a regionally accredited post-secondary educational institution. 
  • Enrolled as either a full-time or part-time student.

Application Packet 

To be considered for a scholarship, an applicant must submit all of the following by the deadline in one PDF packet attached in an email:

  • Completed Tower Family Foundation Scholarship Application Form. 
  • Two Completed Essays: (Each essay to be between 500 to 800 words, double-spaced and included as part of the application packet).
    • Identify your degree program and describe what you would like to learn from your selected program of study and your college experience. Include in your answer how you hope to grow professionally and personally, and what your goals are upon graduating from your program. 
    • Describe a challenge you’ve faced and share how you overcame the challenge, the lessons you learned, and how you will apply this experience in your future.
  • Official High School Transcript with cumulative 2.5 GPA OR current official college transcript with cumulative GPA of 2.5, if currently attending college. 
  • One (1) employment or legal dependent verification letter from a current NATE Member Company (For Merit Based Applicants Only) 
  • One (1) recommendation letter from a high school teacher, post-secondary teacher, or career/guidance counselor. If out of high school greater than three years, a professional reference is acceptable. 
  • Acceptance letter from an accredited post-secondary education institution the applicant will be attending.

Scholarship Application Submittal

The completed Scholarship Application and all supporting documentation should be submitted to the Tower Family Foundation via email at [email protected]. Please note “Tower Family Foundation Scholarship Application” in the subject line of the email to ensure proper processing.

The Tower Family Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all completed applications and determine scholarship awards based on the documents received.

Click here for Application!